Achievements of Strad

Delivered a job (or not)'s title

Delivered a job (or not)

You delivered a job!

Unlocked on Feb 09, 2022 @ 01:38 UTC

No Time To Die's title

No Time To Die

The name is Bond, bond to this website for more than a year, impressive!

Unlocked on Sep 20, 2022 @ 01:00 UTC

1 Year - Experienced Trucker's title

1 Year - Experienced Trucker

Your TruckersMP account is one year old.

Unlocked on Sep 20, 2022 @ 01:00 UTC

Locked achievements

Fruity Freight Fiesta's title

Fruity Freight Fiesta

Finish 5 deliveries of special cargoes during the Fruity Freight Fiesta event in Summer 2023.

Deliver a job's title

Deliver a job

You delivered a job during testing of Operation HQ!

Operation HQ's title

Operation HQ

Let's build a home for the TruckersMP community! Rewarded for delivering special cargo to the construction site of the TruckersMP Headquarters near Wrocław, Poland.

5 Years - Trucking Expert's title

5 Years - Trucking Expert

Your TruckersMP account is five years old.

Join a VTC's title

Join a VTC

You have joined a VTC.

The Big Pumpkin Pickup 2024's title

The Big Pumpkin Pickup 2024

Finish 5 deliveries of special cargoes during The Big Pumpkin Pickup event at Halloween 2024.